Joint / Bursa / Tendon Injections

Pain in joints, tendons, and bursae (small fluid-filled sacs located between joints, muscles, and tendons that function to decrease friction) can result from physical injury due to overuse, excessive pressure, impact, or simply sitting/standing in a fixed position for a prolonged period. Although mild physical injuries often heal with time, some types of injuries require more serious medical attention.

The joints, bursae, and tendons are some of the most frequently damaged areas of the human body; they bend, twist, get overused, and are subject to a great deal of movement. Because of this, our office treats many patients who have a variety of injuries to these areas.

Injections to the joints are often as a result of osteoarthritis, arthritis, overuse, or just wear and tear. We offer many types of injections to alleviate or reduce pain in the joints, depending on a patient’s particular complaints.

Tendon injuries are just as common as joint injuries. These can also be from overuse, wear and tear, or improper work or exercise techniques. As in the case of joint pain, we offer an array of injections to alleviate or reduce tendon pain, depending on a patient’s needs.

Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs located between joints, muscles, and tendons that function to decrease rubbing, friction and irritation. Bursitis is the inflammation and irritation of bursae, resulting in pain and severely decreased mobility of affected regions. These injuries can be treated in much the same way as joints and tendons are also treated, depending on the needs of the patient.

Our office offers a variety of injections, based on the needs of the patient.



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