We've Gone Virtual

Our pain physicians are seeing patients…virtually! Our team is happy to connect with patients over the phone or via video call for consultations or prescription refills. Treatment appointments are also still available to urgent patients.


Top Doctors

The biggest clinic for ultrasound-guided injections in Canada

State-of-the-art equipment

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Patient’s Resources

We require referral letter for all OHIP covered services

Interventional Regenerative and Pain clinic

Wilderman Medical Clinic’s team of pain medicine specialists provides some of the world’s most advanced treatment options in a supportive and compassionate environment. Our clinic is dedicated to the comprehensive treatment of chronic pain patients and our doctors have helped thousands of patients return to independence and comfort, and have restored their quality of life

Back Pain


Neck Pain

Pelvic Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Joint/ Tendon Pain

Ultrasound Guidance Services

Contact Us

Wilderman Medical Clinic
8054 Yonge Street
Thornhill, Ontario
L4J 1W3

Mon – Thu: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Sat: 8.30 am – 1.00 pm
Sun: closed

P: (905)-886-1212

F: (905)-886-0248

E: [email protected]





Our Tests

Food Reactions & Immunology

No one knows why the immune system produces antibodies to certain foods, but when it does, a noticeable food reaction may result.

Hormone Testing

Hormone testing is helpful for finding out if hormone levels are optimal for health. Wilderman Medical Clinic tests hormones in saliva, urine and hair.

Environmental / Nutritional Testing

Environmental toxins can change healthy cells into unhealthy cells while having the right nutritional elements can mitigate the damage done by toxins.

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