Food Reactions And Immunology

 Is it a food allergy or a food sensitivity? 

No one knows why the immune system produces antibodies to certain foods, but when it does, a noticeable food reaction may result. Wilderman Medical Clinic tests for food-specific reactions to two different antibodies:  IgG, and IgA

The immune system exists to defend the body against bacteria, viruses and any other potentially harmful organisms.  One of the ways it does this is by producing cells called immunoglobulins, also called antibodies. There are five major immunoglobulins: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.

Food Reactions And ImmunologyFood Sensitivity

Food Sensitivity is a term that usually refers to delayed immune reactions to foods.  For example, IgG and IgA reactions to foods are commonly referred to as food sensitivities.

The term food sensitivity is sometimes used to describe non-immune reactions to food.  There is no agreed upon definition of what a food sensitivity is. IgG and IgA  food reactions can be tested from a dried blood strip sample.

Food Intolerance

Usually refers to non-immune reactions like enzyme deficiencies.  For example, people who lack the enzyme lactase have trouble digesting milk.  This is called lactose intolerance.

Testing Food Reactions

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