Interventional Pain Clinic

Chronic pain is any pain, which exists for longer than six months or pain, which exists for longer than it would usually be expected for a given injury to heal. It may last for several months or it can remain for the rest of the patient’s life. It is important to remember that chronic pain has as much to do with a patient’s perception of the pain as it does with the actual physical aspect of the pain. To understand chronic pain, patients with long-term back, neck, shoulder, leg, arm, hip, knee, elbow or foot pain, headaches and migraines, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and other sorts of sport and overuse injuries, fibromyalgia, sciatica, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), multiple sclerosis, post-herpetic neuralgia, Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD/Complex Reginal Pain Syndrome (CRPS)/Causalgia) and trigeminal neuralgia are often faced with chronic pain challenges.

Our office has many different ways to help patients deal with their pain and we recognize that there are many challenges to overcoming chronic pain issues. Chronic pain is often accompanied by feelings of guilt, frustration, anger, depression and anxiety; making use of a multidisciplinary program tailored to the patient’s unique combination of symptoms can ensure that these feelings are managed as best as possible.

Pain consultants and specialists often suggest that patients with chronic pain make use of an interdisciplinary program to alleviate and moderate their pain symptoms. This can mean attending appointments for chiropractic, acupuncture, physiotherapy, exercise programs, and psychotherapy techniques, such as biofeedback or relaxation. Patients may also be offered medications and injections in combination with these other options to help manage their pain and pain symptoms. Our office will work with the patient to find the best combination of modalities to treat their symptoms and alleviate their chronic pain.

With the help of our interdisciplinary team, the Wilderman Medical Clinic can help patients diagnose and treat an array of acute and chronic conditions which negatively affect their lives. We strive to assist our patients in discovering new ways to manage and treat their pain challenges with varying strategies which are tailored to each person. We recognize that each patient has different challenges and opportunities at their disposal and we want to work with our patients to come up with the best possible solution for them.

What to expect


Click on the button to find out more about  Pain Conditions, or click on individual disorders on the right to read more about each one.

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