Clinic and Privacy Policy

All patients must check in with the receptionist upon arrival. Our receptionists are responsible for answering phone calls and arranging appointments. Things can get busy, so your patience is appreciated. Please note: Dr. Wilderman is not able to take any phone calls.

Health Cards

All patients MUST present a valid health card every visit. Patients with invalid or expired health cards must pay for their services in advance.


Appointments can be made for several reasons:

  • regular visits: one big or two small problems
  • short visit: prescription renewals or a small straightforward problem
  • long visits: such as pre-op assessments, minor surgical procedures, consults, counseling for common somatic disorders (up to 3 per year), psychological counseling, or primary mental care

Please indicate the type of visit you would like to schedule when you speak to a secretary. Some appointments can run long due to unexpected situations, emergencies, or complications. We ask for your patience when at the clinic, as our professionals are striving to offer their full attention and the best of care to every patient. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a time guarantee.

Blood Tests

If scheduled for a blood test, it is recommended that you fast and refer from smoking and exercising for up to 12 hours. However, for certain types of blood tests, such as Glucose and Cholesterol tests, fasting is mandatory for 8-12 hours. Water and most medications may be taken. You will be informed of any special instructions beforehand, in necessary.

Prescription Policy

The official policy of our clinic does not permit prescription renewals over the phone or fax. For our patients’ convenience, additional refills may be given at the time of the original prescription at the doctor’s discretion.

If you require a prescription renewal, you may arrange an appointment for a follow-up assessment of your medical condition and medication requirements. Long term use of medication without proper medical supervision can lead to unwanted side effects and complications, or missed diagnoses.

Missed Appointments

Appointments may be cancelled 24 hours in advance. Missed appointments and appointments called with less than 24 hours notice will be subject to a missed appointment/cancellation fee of $30 for a regular visit, and $60 for complete physical examination, counseling or consultation.

Services Not Insured by OHIP

There are several services we provide which may not be covered by OHIP. Therefore, you are responsible for payment, which is due at the time the service is completed.

Uninsured Services Include:

  • sick notes
  • insurance forms
  • travel medicine counseling
  • cosmetic procedures
  • third party requests for physical examinations (work, camp, driver’s license, etc.)

In some cases, both forms and associated physical examinations are uninsured. The fee will depend on the service provided and amount of time necessary to complete it. Please feel free to discuss these with your doctor if you have any concerns about your ability to pay.

Please notefees for forms do not include the cost of the associated medical examination, if any is required.

Patients Seeking A Referral

If you are a patient seeking a consultation please ask your doctor to refer you to the clinic. You can download a referral form, or we can fax a referral form for to you to present to your physician. Your physician may also call our clinic and we will fax them a referral form upon request.

What if my doctor has never heard of the Wilderman Medical Clinic?

If your doctor is unfamiliar with our clinic you can direct them to this website.

If you are a physician or medical specialist who needs to refer a patient to our clinic, please call us and we can fax you a copy of our referral form, or you can download a copy from our Forms page
Please complete the form with the patient’s information and fax it back to us along with any information about the patient that may be helpful in treating or diagnosing their condition. If possible, please include the results of diagnostic tests, reports from other specialists, and a list of the patient’s medications. Once we receive the form we will contact the patient directly.
Do not wear perfume, cologne, body spray, or other scented items to the clinic.

The clinic is a scent-free environment. This applies to all patients, visitors, doctors, and staff. Do not wear any scented items to the clinic. Patients and staff members are allergic to these scents and chemicals. In sensitive people, exposure to perfume or cologne can trigger severe headaches and respiratory problems.

Do not bring animals or pets to the clinic.

With the exception of professionally trained service dogs, no animals are permitted on the premises.

Please note that we are wheelchair accessible!

Referral to Specialist

You will be referred to a specialist if a second opinion, procedure or operation is needed. Someone will contact you to arrange an appointment after we send a referral letter and a copy of relevant tests. It is your responsibility to keep this appointment.

Privacy Policy

All personal information is confidential. No one outside our trained, professional administrative staff and treatment professionals have immediate access to your information. This information will never be distributed to other sources without your consent. Our office upholds and maintains all of the legal requirements for the storage and protection of personal information as required by the province of Ontario. This protection extends to any information provided to us via this website, to the best of our ability.

Website Privacy Policy

We only collect personally identifiable information about you if you voluntarily provide it to us, for example, when you register on the site and provide your name and e-mail for us to send an e-newsletter to you. We use the personally identifiable information that you supply to provide you with the specific services you select and may occasionally send you emails about web site maintenance and updates, which may include new features and enhanced functionality.

We do not disclose any personally identifiable information about you, unless we have your explicit permission to do so. We may occasionally sponsor sweepstakes, contests, or other events that require the collection, processing, and storage of individual contact and demographic information that may or may not be shared with participating sponsors. A registrant’s personal contact and demographic information will not be released to third party or non-participating organizations without the user’s consent, and we will request that co-sponsors of such events maintain the privacy of the registrants’ information.  In all cases, you will be informed before you register for the event or service that a third party will be receiving the registration information you provide, and you will have the option not to participate in any service or event that requires third party involvement.

Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information of any kind online, that information can be collected and used by people you don’t know. While we strive to protect our user’s personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online and you do so at your own risk.

Each e-mail newsletter and special offer sent by us contains an easy, automated way for you to cease receiving our e-mail newsletters. One click of the mouse is all that is required — the system automatically excludes you from future mailings without needing additional human intervention. To unsubscribe, click the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of any e-mail newsletter from We will not rent, sell, or barter your email address to third parties.


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Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to gather anonymous data about our readers and how they use our Site. The information collected cannot be used by us to identify an individual reader. We use this information to help us to understand how our readers interact with the Site, as well as to help us to understand trends.

Re-production of Content on Other Websites

Any Wilderman Medical Clinic Content placed on your website (Site) must be accredited to Wilderman Medical Clinic, with links placed to the original article on Wilderman Medical Clinic. You are permitted to display the following on your Site, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it:

  • The headline of the article (but not in the title of the page).
  • An active link to the full article on Wilderman Medical Clinic website (necessary if you place any part of the article, description or headline online).
  • The first two paragraphs or the first half of the article if there are less than four paragraphs in total.
  • An active link to any Wilderman Medical Clinic Page.

You must not

  • place any complete articles from Wilderman Medical Clinic on your Site, unless you have contacted us first and have received written permission from us to place the entire article online – these full terms of use will apply.
  • establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.
  • Use our logo
  • establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

Our Content may only be placed on Sites which:

  • Do not promote, facilitate or encourage Illegal activities
  • Do not promote, facilitate or encourage Hatred of any form (including, but not limited to, Racism, Terrorism, Violence and Discrimination of any kind).
  • Do not have misleading, pornographic or defamatory content.
  • Do not display any material which is in breach of any third party intellectual property rights.

Acceptable use

You must not use this website in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the website; or in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.

If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please feel free to email us at [email protected].


This website contains links to third party websites. The views and opinions expressed therein are those of the individual speakers, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Wilderman Medical Clinic or any of its respective affiliates and employees.

Third party websites may make references to medications, medical procedures, and other medical or non-medical information. We cannot verify the accuracy of any information on third party websites. The information on third party websites may be false or harmful. Medical information on our website or any third party website should not be relied upon in lieu of actual medical advice from a real physician.

If you have any specific medical problems, you should see your physician. Please do not rely upon the general advice on our website or any other website, as a replacement or substitute for actual medical advice from your physician. Please see your physician if you have any medical questions or concerns.


Funding Sources

This website has been created and funded entirely by The Wilderman Medical clinic. At this time, there is no third-party advertising.


Copyright © Wilderman Medical Clinic, 2007 - 2021, All Rights Reserved