Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that attacks the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. The body’s own immune cells attack the nervous system and destroy the protective myelin sheath around the nerve cells. The damage to this protective membrane causes inflammation and slows down or completely stops communication between nerve cells.

Statistically, caucasians and women are the most susceptible to MS, and sufferers most often begin to show signs of the disease between the ages of 20 and 40.  The symptoms of MS include cognitive impairment, visual and speech disturbances, muscle weakness, trouble with co-ordination and balance, numbing or prickling sensations, thinking and memory difficulties, moderate to severe pain, bladder and bowel dysfunctions, and mental state effects like depression and euphoria.  Some patients experience loss of writing, speaking, and walking abilities.

Although there is no known cure for MS at this time, there are various treatments which help slow its progression, control symptoms, and improve quality of life.  Regimens of disease-modifying medications act to reduce the frequency and severity of MS attacks and can treat brain lesions and atrophy.  Corticosteroids may also become necessary to defeat severe inflammation as the disease progresses.

Over 2.5 million people worldwide suffer from MS.  As with many other diseases, proper diet, stress relief, and symptom management practices like acupuncture, and chiropractic bring substantial benefits to MS patients.  Various workshops and therapeutic sessions have also been shown to help manage symptoms.


Due to the variation of the location and severity of attacks of neurons in the central nervous system, symptoms vary among people and episodes. An episode can last anywhere from a few days to a few months, and alternate with periods of reduced or no symptoms, known as remission. A relapse (return of symptoms) is not necessary for the disease to continue or even worsen.
Symptoms of MS present in many parts of the body, as any part of the central nervous system may be affected. Therefore, symptoms vary and may include:

  • Muscle symptoms, including loss of balance and coordination, numbness, burning and tingling, difficulties moving limbs or walking, tremors, and weakness
  • Bowel and bladder symptoms
  • Eye symptoms, including double vision, eye discomfort, uncontrollable rapid eye movement, and loss of vision
  • Brain and nerve symptoms, including depression, dizziness, hearing loss, and cognitive difficulties
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Slurred speech
  • Fatigue

Although there is no known cure at this time, there are various treatments which help slow the progression of the disease, and control symptoms in order to help sufferers maintain quality of life.

Our office offers multidisciplinary assessments by a pain specialist. We Offer ultrasound guided nerve blocks and facet joint injections with or without cortisone, Botulinum toxin injections, medications,  Chiropractic, physiotherapy, active exercise routines, acupuncture, Biofeedback, psychotherapy and assistive devices like braces, TENS/MET, and orthotics.


“Multiple Sclerosis.”  Medline Plus.  Available from:

“Multiple Sclerosis.” Mayo Clinic. Available from:

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.  Available from:


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